Governor Cuomo announced today that the state now has over 251,690 cases of the Coronavirus, Hospitalizations are down to 16,076 & the number of deaths statewide was 441 Monday, making the state death toll at 14,788. The Governor said that the plans going forward are for the re-opening of the state on a regional basis, they need to ramp up testing as soon as possible before sending people back to work, & then they must track down the people associated with anyone who tests positive:
(Cuomo 4-21-20)
The Governor said that some Hospitals will also be allowed to perform elective surgeries, where the Corona Virus is reported in much smaller number, and where the lack of activity led to some hospitals actually laying off employees in spite of the pandemic.
Delaware County Public Health reported that they had no new positive coronavirus cases Monday, they still have 62 confirmed cases, with 8 cases referred back to the patients home county, 4 are hospitalized, 17 are isolating at home, 4 have died & 75 are quarantined.
Chenango County Public Health announced their latest Coronavirus stats today. They have 78 total cases, with 7 in a hospital, 47 recoveries, and 149 people are in quarantine.
The Sidney Town Board will meet Thursday April 23rd at 7:00 PM; the meeting will be available for viewing on “Zoom”. Also, the Sidney Town Clerk’s office has a walk up window to do business and keep the social distance. Hours are Monday -Thursday 9:00 to 4:00 to Fridays 9:00 to Noon.
Helios Care will offer free bereavement counseling to anyone experiencing the loss of a loved one during the COVID-19 pandemic. Spokesperson Alicia Rule explains:
(Alicia Rule 4-21-20)
More information is available at 432-5525 or on the Helios Care website at
Good Shepherd Communities & Chase Nursing Home & Rehabilitation of New Berlin have given their employees a $2 dollar an hour differential for putting in the long hard hours at their nursing homes during the Coronavirus pandemic, President & CEO Mike Keenan explains:
(Mike Keenan 4-21-20)
WCDO will air the full interview with Mike Keenan & Chase Memorial Executive Director Gabby Skillen Wednesday Afternoon after the news at 3:00 PM and again on Thursday after the 10:00 AM news.
Sidney School District Superintendent Eben Bullock announced that the district will continue to provide food services, with a bulk food delivery on Wednesday, All food deliveries will be door to door for those that have signed up. More information is available at 561-7703.
Broome County Health department reported Monday that they now have 215 positive cases of the Coronavirus; they now report 11 deaths, 339 in quarantine & 49 recoveries.
State Senator Fred Akshar is asking constituents to answer his latest online survey regarding Reopening New York State, Questions include “Do you support or oppose a regional reopening plan for New York State versus a one-size-fits all approach for both upstate and downstate, & How do you feel about returning to restaurants and retail stores if Governor Cuomo eases the current restrictions. The survey can be found at Akshar.NYSenate.Gov.
The Village of Bainbridge Board of trustees will hold their next meeting today at 6:30 PM. The meeting will be held remotely, those who are interested in viewing the meeting should call the village clerk’s office at 967-7373 to get the code.
The Jericho Arts Council announced that the events at the Bainbridge Town Hall Theatre & in the Gallery scheduled for the spring 2020, have been cancelled or rescheduled for a later date, due to concerns about the Coronavirus. More information is available at 288-3882.