State Senator Tom Libous of Binghamton was found guilty by jury of lying to the FBI, for using his political influence to get a son Matthew a job with a Westchester County Law firm. The verdict means that Libous is automatically expelled from the state Senate. Matthew Libous was convicted earlier this year of tax evasion, a special election to replace Libous in the 52nd Senate district will be scheduled shortly.
33-Year-old Wayne Spratley faced additional charges in Norwich City Court This morning, for criminal use of a firearm and assault. Spratley was charged with attempted murder over the weekend for allegedly shooting an unidentified victim in the stomach early Sunday morning in a parking lot on Lackawanna Avenue. Spratley is being held in the Chenango County Jail on $50,000 cash bail.
The New York State Wage Board Voted in favor Wednesday of incrementally raising the minimum wage for Fast Food Workers in New York State over the next 6 years. The board voted in favor of raising the wage to $15 an hour, to be phased in by 2021. Fast Food workers in the Tri-County area would see the minimum wage increased to $9.75 on December 31, 2015, $10.75 on December 31, 2016, $11.75 on December 31, 2017, and eventually up to $15.00 on July 1, 2021. The board also stipulated that these wages would be in effect for fast food chains with 30 or more locations nationwide.
Town Of Unadilla officials announced that the Butternut Road repaving project has been completed. Officials expected the project to last through Friday, but the road was open to traffic in both directions this morning.
State Police arrested 27 year old Megan Madore of Stamford, for felony DWI following a traffic stop for driving with a loud exhaust while on State route 28 in the Town of Oneonta. The arrest was a felony because she has a prior conviction for DWI within the last 10 years. Madore was issued tickets returnable to the Town of Oneonta Court on August 4th.
Emergency Crews in Norwich responded to a 2-car crash yesterday afternoon, on state route 12 near B&D Pool & Spa. Chenango County Fire officials reported that 3 passengers from both vehicles were taken to area hospitals, and that the Water Department responded as a Fire Hydrant was damaged in the accident. NYSEG was also dispatched to the scene. The names of the injured have not yet been released.
Broome County Executive Debbie Preston announced details of the upcoming auction of tax foreclosure properties in the County. The auction is Saturday, August 1st, at the Holiday Inn, on Hawley Street in Binghamton at 10:00 AM; Auction bidders must register between 8:30 AM and 10:00 AM that morning. 130 properties are being auctioned off, as is, last year the county sold 120 properties, netting $805,000.
Commerce Chenango’s next Business After Hours event is today, hosted by Leadership Chenango. The event will be held at the Canasawacta Country Club in Norwich from 5:00 to 7:00 PM.
Otsego county officials announced another free rabies clinic today. The clinic will be held at the Morris fire department from 6:00 to 8:00 PM.
The State Office of General Services will hold a surplus vehicle, highway equipment, and miscellaneous property auction today at 9:30 AM, at the State Police Troop C headquarters on Route 7 in Sidney, information on specific items and terms of sale are available at