Officials at the Utica School of commerce announced that the vast majority of classes at the Oneonta Branch and Sidney Site would be suspended for the Spring Semester. All current students and re-entering students will be able to continue their programs at the Utica Campus with transportation provided by the college through Oneonta Bus Lines. The college will continue to maintain the Elm Street Oneonta facilities for student support functions, with the Learning Center -Library relocating there, and computers will be available for student use, 3 days per week. The USC Board of trustees sited a decline in enrollment and recent parking changes in Oneonta for the changes.
Delaware County Fair officials announced their line up for their annual concert for August 22nd 2015. Headliners will be Parmalee with singer-actress Jana Kramer opening. The dates for the 2015 Delaware County Fair are August 17th to the 22nd.
Governor Cuomo announced steps taken in New York State’s “Reforming the Energy Vision” strategy to spur clean energy innovation and investment, improve customer choice and protect the environment. 5 new reforms will enable further growth of the clean energy industry and modernize how utilities operate, The 5 steps taken by the Public Service Commission follow through on the State’s efforts to transform the energy system, details are available at
Congressman Chris Gibson announced the federal spending bill approved by the House last week includes $344 million to ensure the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs are developing electronic health records to transfer veteran’s medical information. The legislation also includes language to require the VA to create a system to prevent unnecessary mistakes or delays in veterans’ medical care. If goals are not met, a portion of the funding will not be released. The VA reform bill signed into law earlier this year requires the VA to permit veterans to be seen by non-VA healthcare providers if they reside more than 40 miles from the nearest VA medical facility or are unable to secure an appointment at a VA facility within 30 days.
The Delaware County Sheriff’s office announced the availability of text message notification as an enhancement to the New York Sheriffs’ Victim Hotline known as “VINE”. The hotline allows crime victims to learn the custody status of an offender 24-7 by 1-888-VINE-4-NY, the VINEMobile app, the Sheriffs Mobile Patrol App or at
The Delaware County Broadband Initiative was awarded $2.9 million in matching New York State grant funding by the Southern Tier Economic Development Council following Governor Cuomo’s annual Regional Council Awards Ceremony on Thursday. The DCBI project will extend broadband services to the un-served residents and businesses, with over 210 miles of fiber optic facilities passing 1800 un-served and underserved households, businesses, and institutions in several towns in Delaware County. Additional information willl be posted at,, &
Manufacturing activity in New York State contracted for the first time in nearly 2 years. The New York Feds Empire state general business conditions index fell to –3.58 in December, falling to negative territory for the first time since January 2013. The new orders index tumbled –1.97 to 9.14 in November, the pace of growth in employment fell slightly with the index of the number of employees falling t 8.33 from 8.51. The survey of manufacturing plants in the state is 1 of the earliest monthly guideposts to U.S. factory conditions.
There has been a dramatic decline in the number of deaths in New York caused by AIDS. The state Health department recorded the number of AIDS related deaths were down by ¾’s from 1997 to 2012, when the number had dropped to 749. The decline is attributed to greater awareness on how the disease is spread and also powerful drug treatments for those diagnosed with the illness.
P.M. News Monday 12-15-14
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