P.M. NEWS FRIDAY 5-10-24

Broome County Sheriff Fred Akshar released the results of the latest round of targeted crime response by the Broome County Sheriff’s Office in areas across Broome County as the agency prepares to activate a full-time Strategic Response Group. Over a 6-week period in March and April, members of the Broome County Sheriff’s Office utilized statistical and crime-mapping data from the Southern Tier Crime Analysis Center in Binghamton to identify “hot spots”. The office reported 22 Narcotics Arrests, 13 Warrant Arrests, 40 Vehicle and Traffic Arrests & 234 Traffic Violations Issued (208 Traffic Stops Conducted)


The Chenango Arts Council presents “Spring A Ding Ding” tomorrow night at the Martin W. Kappel Theater in downtown Norwich, spokesperson Mary Beth Miller explains:

(Mary Beth Miller 5-10-24)

Tickets & more information can be found at Chenangoarts.org.


Delaware County Board of Elections reminds county voters that Federal, State & Local Primary elections will be held on Tuesday June 25th from 6:00 AM to 9:00 PM. The last day for new voters to register is June 15th, the last day for the Board of Elections to receive early mail/absentee ballot applications online or by mail is June 15th There will be no Republican, Working Family or Conservative party primary elections in Delaware County, Voters should note that the elections are limited to 2 Democrats running for a seat on the Roxbury town Council, 2 Democrats running for the 102nd Assembly district seat, which includes Davenport, Delhi, Franklin, Hamden, Kortright, Meredith & Walton. Early Voting will be Saturday, June 15th through Sunday, June 23rd, more information is available at 607-832-5321.


The Mid-York Concert Band is pleased to announce its First Annual Scholarship Winner, Anthony Pomares, from Norwich High School. Anthony will be performing an excerpt from his scholarship audition at the May 19th Mid-York Concert Band’s Spring Concert at 2:00 PM in the Norwich High School Auditorium.


A.M. NEWS FRIDAY 5-10-24

State Police remind motorists to obey the state’s Move Over Law. On Thursday, a Thruway Authority maintenance worker lost his life while setting up a work zone on the I-90 in Henrietta. Another was injured in the same incident and remains in serious condition.


The Village of Sidney will provide containers at the Village Garage on Sherman Avenue today or Saturday, from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM, for certain electronics, Metal and non-Freon appliances, Tires without rims, Freon containing appliances will only be accepted if the Freon was removed by a certified reclaimer.


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